So, I am NOT crazy!!!
Even though I do not have Lupus (that I know of), I HAVE THE SAME BURNING SKIN-- on my upper (and mid) back!! I am so sick of everyone telling me that it is "just" a hot flash, 'cause none of them has ever felt like their SKIN was burning! I am just so glad to hear that anyone else has ever had this, and I appreciate ANY ideas of how to deal with it!!
My UPPER BACK BURNS TO THE POINT OF PAIN most days, all day; and, as I have oily skin, my shirts smell (kind of like a pillow from dirty hair) from the fevered back in about 3 hours, and I am having to change shirts multiple times a day.
MY NORMAL TEMP HAS ALSO GONE HAYWIRE (LOW) in the last six months and I have not even been able to figure out what my new "normal" is, though I have been as low as 94.5... But I have not made it "up" to 98.6 in about six months, whether "feverish" or not.
MY DOC IS about TO TEST ME FOR CUSHING'S, due to other issues, but there is nothing about this symptom there...
I am in perimenopause, but I have four sisters, and none of them has ever had anything like this in their peri- or post menopausal symptoms, so THANK YOU ALL for being there!!!
I CAN ATTEST TO THE LUKE-WARM BATH BEING A HUGE HELP, and I cannot wait to try the oatmeal Aveeno addition; thank you! Anything else that works, we'll all have to share!!! I am so sorry for those of you who have it on the face; I did not even realize my back was probably swelling, but it wouldn't be any fun to have to watch this, as well as feel it...
Just pity me that soon it'll be over 100 for the next six months, out here in AZ...