Literally. Many of you might recall that I'm being treated for tb right now (latent tb, so I'm not contagious). However, I asked my rheumy if I was contagious last summer when I had developed a wicked cough shortly after starting mtx (long story that ended up to my going to a pulmonologist, etc...). He said he thought I had a strange version of bronchitis, that it wasn't active tb, but he couldn't be sure so I should call my girls' pediatrician. I called the pediatrician yesterday, and they took it very seriously. My husband had to bring the girls in immediately for both a PPD and a chest x-ray. I did not want them to have to go through this, but I wanted to be sure they didn't have some horrible illness that I gave them. In any case, they did great--no tears, fear, etc.... In fact, they were quite thrilled to have their "picture" taken. and they got special band-aids for the PPDs. We won't know the results until tomorrow (I think that's when they go in to be read); I expect they will both be negative for everything (I was). I really hope they are.
It's good to know that my county takes tb very seriously and all of the doctors I've dealt with have been very prompt with answers to questions and action, when necessary. But jeez, it really makes me feel like a freak. I'm just a normal, middle-class, married female with children. I don't live an exotic lifestyle, and I've never lived out of the country (except for Spain for about 8 months as a young child); in short, I don't fit the profile for someone who has contracted tb. I'm not even a health care worker.
Tb meds are getting better. I still experience some nausea and gastritis sx, but they have subsided some. Arthritis is getting worse, but as some of you pointed out before, you would much rather deal with arthritis than nausea. You are right! Nausea is the worst. Hopefully, the side effects from the meds will disappear entirely the longer I take them.
Thanks for all of your encouragement!