Hi hippi, wow sounds like your having a rough time. Boy when your kids are sicks it's so hard all you can think about
is how to fix it. Plus the mind goes crazy with worry about
the "what if?"
Don't be hard on yourself for sending him to school. Perhaps it was the best thing for him. Keeping his mind occupied with somthing else. We don't have the wisdom of solomon. All we can do is the best we can do.
It's good that Josh's doctor realizes her limitations. On the other hand if his rhumy is unavailable there is no excuse for that. If he is going to practice a specialized medicine he needs to either be there or at the very minimum have somewhere there that can make judgement calls.
If Josh is not improving than I would say you are right at looking elsewhere for the help you need for him. Possibly as you said the mayo clinic. It appears you are not getting the answers you need from his doctors now. I wouldn't put it off. I would suggest you take him where ever he needs to go to get the best possible treatment available. It's time to rock the boat! I know you are capable of doing that. Especialy when it comes to your children!
I already asked God to be with you and your family right now but I will continue to have you on my prayer change that the doors will be opened and you will get the answers you need.
God Bless