I feel like I am losing my mind. Before I was ever diagnosed with MCTD(about
4 year ago) I went to a neurologist because I was having problems with my memory. AFter doing tests, including a brain mri she told me that I was depressed. Well, looking back I know now that I was sick we just hadn't figured it out yet.
Well, now my rheumy wants me to go to the neurologist again because I have been having weird migraines. I've never had them before. Anyway......
I got real sick yesterday, threw up and then my vision blurred and I got real dizzy. I took a pain pill and fell asleep and then I felt better.
Today, I alled my old neurologist to make an appointment. I explained that I was a former patient and wanted to come back in. The nurse said okay what is your name. I told her my name and there was dead silence. She said you are already scheduled for an appointment in June. I was dumbfounded. I have no recollection of making that appointment. No, my rheumy didn't make it either because I can choose who I went to and didn't discuss who with my rheumy. I told the nurse that I guess I need to see the neurologist more than I thought. I was so embarrased and very shocked. Now, I am afraid that I may be doing things at work that are drastic and could cause severe problems. I am scared to death to make a decision.
Please help.....
Mary Ann