Hi redrose,
I am not a doctor, but I wud say 40 mg of prednisone is a high dose. You should call your rhuemy pm tuesday for sure!!! Definately not bugging her...I wud think she wud want to know about this latest bout that required it.
Personally, I cant take 40mg then stop, but I'm not an expert, so definately call her, you certainly dont need the stress and pain of what might happen without her advice.
Sorry I cant be much help when it comes to heavy duty pain meds, but if you are taking 40 mg of pred right now, I would think you wudnt be in so much pain. I wud suggest something with Ibprofen as it is very effective with inflammation, but again, I'm not an expert. I hope you can stay reasonably comfortable till you can get ahold of your doc on Tuesday.
Take care, and I will be keeping you in my prayers