I have been going through a really rough time lately. I was given Clindamycin for a wisdom tooth abscess and was treated with it for 2 weeks because the dentist could not get me in. (I had an appointment to have them pulled, but it abscessed before the appointment)
All went well with the extraction, but I developed colostridium difficile, or c. diff from the antibiotics, which in turn caused fever, (sorry) mucus and blood in bm, SEVERE body aches and fatigue. The medical term in pseudomembranous colitis. It has been an absolute nightmare, especially gettting a correct diagnosis. (what else is new)
I am four days into the antibiotic that they treat the c diff with... and my fever has subsided to low grade.. I am SO SO wiped out though an have severe body aches, weakness and shakiness.
Can you all tell me what exactly constitutes a "flare"? Can the stress of a life threatening infection cause you to go into one?
Is there anything I should do differently while in this state?
I am concerned because this infection is a MAJOR one. It is a super bug. How will the lupus effect my recovery?
I am not looking for answers with absolutes as I know there arent any
, but I would appreciate anyones experienced advice.
thank you so so much
One Tired Hurting Monkey