Hi, I applied for CA state disability in 1/07', got approved and was retro'd pmts to 11/06', they stated I had filed late. last day I workd only 1 day in 8/06', due to severe pain. I went ssd office in Aug 06'. I wonder if some how this is how the State found out my last wrk day.
Would this help me out on my ssd appeal?
My DR's will soon tell me if I will need surgery re: mass on left ovary, but then again DR doesn't want to do surgery untill he finds out why my pain is on my upper torso too. Its awful waitng.
Especially now that I have to wait till hb ins. goes thru in Aug.
I have an appt w/GI dr in June, Hopefully we can find why I have severe stomach pain.
Do you think the pain is related to the Lupus I have? Is there anyone outhere w/similiar condition?
Here are my DX;
Lupus 03', fibro 07', Mitral valve prolapse 00', Hiatel Hernia 04',depression 06', endometriosis 03', partial hysterectomy 04', extensive scar tissue in abdomen, memory fog, right arm could not lift up or move in 06' for 1 week. Left side of body frm head to feet more painful and needle pain daily, Dr's can't exaplain stomach, accompanied w/nauseus/diarreah. rash/welt like on body. (its funny, last week I had one big welt on top of my behind, thankgoodness it was gone about an hour later. Other things I can't remember too.
Lately I've more tire than b4, I fall asleep for 2 hrs in day time. I'm 38, alot older. I walk so slow because I'm afraid I will fall when walking in stores. At the market, my little girls want to push the cart, but I have to, to be safe. I feel bad because the enjoy that.
I'm so exhausted when we come bk, my 10yr old puts the groceries away, good thing she like it.
She's the little bake in the house, loves to bake cakes/cookies. I tell her maybe u can make cakes when you grow up as a side job and make extra money, she loved it.