thanks for all of your comments. To reply on a few of your thoughts:
I have had a sleep study done, which is what brought on the prescription of the Mirapex a year ago. The study indicated at the time, that I was never reaching the deep sleep healing or REM stages of sleep, which in theory Mirapex basically forces you to this stage. And it did work well, for awhile. However, it seems that my body became use to it and adjusted to a poor sleeping stage again over time. I plan to ask for another sleep study with my Rheumy tomorrow.
I had my husband watch me last night as I was falling asleep and we don't think I actually ever stopped breathing (like in sleep apnea). And the sweats did happen even when I lied there wide awake.
I have a question for Okie - did you every figure out what your sleep/sweat problem was? And has it stopped and gone away? Since you were never on Mirapex, that makes me believe that discontinuing Mirapex may not be the cause.
It also brings another question regarding the menonpause which PattyLatty mentioned.
I am approaching 40 this year and had a hysterectomy 10 years ago because of endometriosis. They took my ovaries and all. I was on hormone treatment for a long time, but had to get off because of I developed pain in that area again, and the docs believe there might be a small amount endometriosis that might have been missed and the hormones are aggravating it; possibly causing it to grow again. THAT pain did stop altogether once I stopped hormones 8 months ago. The night sweat problem just started two weeks ago.
Here's the question; IF it is menopause, do the night sweats EVER stop and if so, do you remember about how long they lasted?
Thanks again for everybody's input. It's nice to share common situations with people who truly know what you are going through.
enjoy your day!