PattyLatty said...
I agree with what hippi said and think that she said it eloquently. There are many different opinions as to the actual cause of autoimmune diseases and then there are other factors that contribute to an outbreak or flare of the disease.
I agree with you that environmental factors can have an effect on our health. It is generally agreed that exposure to ultraviolet light can bring on a flare of lupus. Infection can also trigger diseases like lupus, and there is strong evidence to suggest that most people with lupus have been exposed to the epstein barr virus. Some researchers believe that some alternative medicines like echinasea can trigger lupus flares, and I've read that some people don't get lupus until they take sulfa antibiotics. Smoking cigarettes can also exacerbate lupus symptoms. Stress lowers our ability to fight illness and I believe that excess stress can bring on flares. Surgery is stressful on the body so lupus patients have to take precautions when facing surgery.
What I don't know, and what researchers don't know is whether or not the depression suffered by many lupus patients is caused by the disease or whether the disease causes depression. There is also evidence that many of us are genetically predisposed to lupus.
Oprah talks a lot about having your life in balance and I don't think anyone can argue that a healthy diet, exercise, and a happy well-balance life contribute to our well-being.
My mother had lupus and doctors have suspected, and so have I, that I have had it for over twenty years. After having reviewed my medical records, my current rheumy thinks I've had it since I was a child. I have had a happy life free of unusual stress, have raised three successful and happy children, had a productive career, but didn't have my first major lupus flare until three years ago. I believe that stress has contiributed to my lupus during the past three years but I don't believe it was the original cause of it.
I think we all worry that the food we eat is not as healthy as it was several decades ago. Just yesterday I read an article that stated canned tuna might be bad for our health because it has been found to contain enough mercury to make it unsafe for regular consumption. I eat canned tuna sometimes three or four times a week, and now I'm going to rethink that. And I thought it was one of the best thinks I could eat.
While I don't believe that an unbalanced life causes disease I do think it can awaken an illness we already have. At any rate, Oprah's right about keeping our lives balanced. I've just started getting massages and meditating more to try to help with my stress. I think you're on the right track, but don't blame yourself or your lifestyle for your illness. But managing our lives better is something that we should all think about.
Pat, this is a GREAT post! Very well said!
I'm not sure how long I had lupus, but over 12 yrs ago when I got that "weird" flu was the only time I recall feeling really bad.
Before I knew about Lupus, I used to take Echinasea and every time I did, I would feel worse. When I figured out this was boosting my immune system, I put two and two together.
The good old "chicken or the egg" theory huh! I'm not sure we'll ever figure out why illness is created.
I don't blame myself for my lifestyle or illness, but yes I am hard on myself to make it better and to find answers.
Thanks again for a great post
p.s. canned tuna, though healthy for the protein is also toxic due to the mercury. The levels of some can tuna exceed the amount accepted. Many disease experts believe that mercury is a leading cause of sickness. Which is obvious I guess.
Google mercury related illness, you will be amazed. You're better of eating Tilapia. It's the only fish with no mercury.
Post Edited (peacesoul) : 7/4/2007 5:46:25 PM (GMT-6)