Hi Pat - You poor woman - I read your post about the pity party and hey, I've been to a few of my own lately...lol
I too have a reunion of sorts this weekend and I've been super apprehensive about it. I know part of my anxiety comes from the fact that I will be staying at my mothers for a few days too but I'm absolutely dreading the standing for hours and the walking because my legs haven't been cooperating lately. I told my husband that he is going to have to get a wagon to pull me around...lol.
I've been going to this party for years and they are getting harder and harder on me. Last year, I just couldn't partake in the Saturday afternoon events and my husband (being the considerate soul that he is) said that I wasn't going to make HIM miss anything this year - thanks - thanks for the support... grrr... I will try to do as much as I can but I am not going to go overboard... As for your party - wait a bit to make a decision - who knows - you might be feeling great by then (we can always be hopeful right?).
Take it easy and get some rest!!!