First let me thank everyone for their kind thoughts and prayers.
I went to my GI doctor this morning and afterwards immediately headed to my parents house to cry on their shoulders and get some comfort. I have to have a liver biopsy next Tuesday. The doctor is pretty positive it is Primary Biliary Cirrhosis that I have and they need to do the biopsy to confirm what "stage" the disease is at. I'm absolutely terrified at this point. He did confirm that it is an autoimmune disease. Whether the lupus is damaging my liver or this is a separate disease he doesn't know. I did make him promise the sedation and he called the Director of Radiology at the hospital (the same director I work for) and he and the radiologist talked about the sedation and stuff and it has been promised that I will be out cold for the procedure which is somewhat of a relief. It really is scary stuff we all deal with. I talked to my boss today at work and it turns out her husband has cirrhosis of the liver caused my an autoimmune problem. She was very sweet and told me to take the time I need next week and not to worry about work.
I also saw the ENT this afternoon about the thrush and he did a culture of my tongue so he can confirm for absolutely certainty if this is thrush I am dealing with or not. He said with all the meds I have been on for the so called thrush it should have cleared up weeks ago. So, now I wait for the results of that as well.
I have been crying off and on all day and feel like doing it again right now. This is all sooooooo frustrating - all the doctors appointments, all the blood tests and other tests, all the fatigue and loss of energy and pain. I know I am not as bad off as a lot of people here and I pray for all of us every night. But, gosh darnit, it is just all soooo worrisome and scary and frustrating and tonight I just want to scream and cry and feel sorry for myself. My Mom said she was going to call my twin sister and other sister and my brother tonight about the liver biopsy next week as "they have a right to know". I told her I couldn't call and talk to each of them cause I would just go to pieces talking about it with everyone. I am such an independent person and hate relying on anyone for anything and now with the liver involvement and the biopsy next week I am going to be totally dependent on my family for most everything for a few days. My Mom said that everyone would want to know cause they all care about me and what is happening and my Mom also said that I have to allow people to care about me. I am a type of person who is there for anyone when they need help or support and hate asking for it. Mom said I have taken such good care of the rest of the family in times of sickness that it is time I let others take care of me. Made me cry just hearing her say that.
I just want it all to GO AWAY.
So, now you are updated on where I am at in this horrible disease process. I will try to keep you updated about what I find out. With the sedation next week I will probably be quite out of it for a couple days.