I am new here. I was looking for a chat room for MCTD. This looked like the most user friendly, so here goes. I've had symptoms of Lupus for about 2 years now (labwork showed a positive ANA; speckled pattern). The past six mos. I started having new symptoms that were similar to sceroderma. My newest labwork shows a very high RNP and positive Sm. My diagnosis is MCTD.
I have Raynaud's which is getting worse, severe indigestion at times, GERD, and muscle pain and weakness. I appear to have limited Scleroderma. I say appear, because I don't have insurance and have been pushed around by doctors.
I had gotten used to the diagnosis of Lupus, but the Scleroderma shakes me a bit. I'm a nurse and I've always worked very hard. I can tell I'm slowing down and I know I won't be able to nurse much longer. I'm getting ready to do foster care. I've raised 5 kids; 3 in college, 2 teens at home and I do well with kids. (I can take a nap during the day and pace myself)
I saw a Rheumy once...they put me with a kid right out of school. She wrote everything the oppositite in her notes from what I told her. She wanted me to take Plaquenil. So far, I don't take anything but Lexapro for my depression, occasional Lasix for my swelling, and occasional Naprosyn for muscle and joint pain. I have a really high pain tolerance, but I can tell that things are getting to me. Occasionally I have a Decadron shot but can't have it often. I am scared to death of the oral steroids. (sometimes I think it's bad I'm a nurse, because I've seen the side effects of treatment)
My lab was positive ANA (was done twice, both times was high with a speckled pattern) My ssDNA was positive, my dsDNA was negative. My RNP was very high and my Sm was positive. SCl 70 was negative, but I still have CREST symptoms.
Anyone else out there relating to any of this? Really just need to talk to someone who understands.