Sunday and Monday were two of the best days I've had in two years, so tried to live a normal life again, and today my body is reminding me that I just can't do that.
It's so darn discouraging. I feel like crying but I know that getting depressed won't do any good at all, but I feel so sad today. From my neck down I feel as though I were dipped in hot oil. My joints are red and swollen and my poor right hand looks and feels like a steam roller ran over it.
I haven't done anything extraordinary. Sunday I woke up with so much energy that I baked a coffee cake, and went to the grocery store. Some of the kids came over to swim in the afternoon and brought friends with them so I put out a simple meal for them and took a dip in the pool. Yesterday I worked in my home office, cleaning out files etc. and went back to the grocery store. And that's it.
I guess the good news is that I was reminded what it feels like to have energy and joy and to be able to really interact with my children again. Today, though, I'm back to the couch. I don't think my hands will even let me knit today so I'm having a little bit of a pity party. I have to keep reminding myself to take it easy when I have a good day every now and then.
How on earth do you working gals do it?
Here's to a better week ahead for all of us.