Hi Everyone:
I just wanted to do a bit of venting. For the past three days I've been having really bad chest pains. So I went to my Rheumy's office today and he sent me to the ER. I'm fortunate that I wasn't having a heart attack or any such horrid thing. I've got a bad case of pleurisy thought.
However, when they did my CAT scan of my chest, they covered me from my neck down to my knees. My CAT scan came back positive for a clot in my belly, it's in my inferior vena cava vein, which carries the returning to my heart and lungs. The doctor said it was just a stroke of good luck that they found it.
So I was admitted to the ward, I'm getting IV demerol and IV solumedrol for my pleurisy. I'm getting large quantity of thinners to make sure the clot stops growing. My body should remedy my clot with time. I need to be monitored though, and I'll see a vascular surgeon tomorrow, to see if the clot needs to be removed surgically or not.
I just can't seem to stay out of this stupid hospital. I'm so so sick of being sick. I have to say I mean I know I'm gonna get sicker and I'm not expected to improve at all. So in my opinion I wish my body would just get over me being sick and send me on to a better place, w/o pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, etc. I know I'm gonna die sooner than I normally would. This is just the everloving pits.
Anyway, I just wanted you all to know I'm in the hospital yet again. Some healing thoughts and paryers would be greatly appreciated.