I did some researching today checking in to my NAFLD--non-alcoholic fatty liver disease today because of my itching and weight gain. Unfortunately, new research is showing the condition is more serious than they thought. The condition was first labeled in 1986 and then it was connected with prediabetes/metabolic syndrome, which I have, which can accompany it, as can several other disorders.
The researchers are now saying that one in four people with it will go on to progress to cirrohsis and/or liver cancer and eventual liver transplant or possible death from it. The time frames are about what I was told for hepatitis, from the last biopsy I had, it is still several years away probably, with much fun along the way, but it was depressing.
Everyone in my family that has had this has progressed to cirrhosis, so far dad is 70 and still doing ok as far as we know, he never goes to the doctor for it. My grandmother, who had more problems like me, probably being a woman, died at 60 suddenly, not even knowing she had liver disease.
I'm not really sad or anything, it just seems like words to me and one in four isn't so bad, but with my past history and the whole unnecessary interferon mistake that really hurt my liver and the rest of me so bad, I wouldn't be surprised to hear I have some fibrosis. I've requested to be in some research trials, but all are based on treatment and not cause, which I think in some ways is a big mistake.
I have one saving grace in that I'm on plaquenil and I think that it will protect me from getting cancer as from the article here mentions it inhibits tumor necrosis factor cytokines which are what this disease causes and are what give you cancer. And my enzymes in June were normal, but sometimes for me that doesn't always mean everything is ok, because it can mean my liver is not repairing for some reason.
I rescheduled with my hepatologist, he actually sent me a letter requesting that I do so, so he may have some more tricks up his sleeve. I hope I don't have to have yet ANOTHER biopsy, I wont have much liver left. Well, dad is still doing good and no one lives forever, it was just a really depressing thing because I was told it was not that bad at all, didn't have anything to do with developing cirrohsis or cancer.
At least now they know. Sorry to be so depressing on this. I sent an email to someone who has had a transplant from this disease, I had no idea it got so serious. I guess I'm still kind of in shock.