I am new to the board and do not know where to start.
I have been seeing Dr's for years and each of them have a different diagnoises for me. I have Copd, dematographic skin, tachacardia, sleep apnea and etc. My main concern is that I have had a positive ANA for several years, blood in my urine and severe bone pain. I can not stand to be touched at all. I have drop foot on my left side, so I fall allot. I have had a red patch on my left breast and I have seen several dermatologist with each of them saying something different. I have also had 3 biopsies and no one can tell me what is wrong. I have severe like electrical shocks in my both thumbs and across 3 fingers on my hands. I am on oxygen at night and a by-pap. When I take meds, I usually have a reaction to most chemicals. Even my inhaler burns my throat and I end up with an upper respirtory infection. I have seen a therapist for about 6 years for panic anxiety disorder. I can walk into a grocery store or somewhere and just start crying due to the smells. I have a lesion on my left frontal lobe which the nerologist took an eeg and said that my brain goes so fast that he could not read the eeg. He took the eeg 3 times and told me that I am just too nervous. I fell asleep during the test so I did not feel that I was nervous. The Dr's don't want to see me because my blood tests don't show any markers for anything. I have 2 sisters that are also like this. I guess what I am wondering is does anyone else have any of these symtons and do the Dr's act like this. Because they don't know what is wrong just dismiss you, even though the symptons continue. Are these systoms of fibro.
My CRP has been elevated also. This tells me that I have inflamation somewhere and the dr's just don't know where so they say I have fibro as a catch all or does this happen to others with fibro?
Thanks, I will be willing to listen to anyone as to what I should do.