Hi All,
I went to a new Rheumatologist two weeks ago after the first Rheumatologist gave me a pat on the head and a nice red lollipop when i left the office...lol.Ok,he didnt really give me a lollipop but i felt like he was treating me like a whiney child.Anyway,went to this new doctor and she did some more blood work.She said I do have Lupus and also Uncontrolled Hypertension.I'm still kinda in denial and shock right now.I knew that something was brewing in me having the joint pain and high ANA but i guess i didnt think i would be diagnosed so quickly.I have read so many people's posts on this forum and most said that it took years to be diagnosed.I was in a fog yesterday and now i have so many questions i would have liked to ask the doctor but just couldnt think clearly yesterday to ask....Was i diagnosed so fast because i have a more aggresive type of Lupus?? She said i am stable right now but does want me to start taking Plaquluil<sp> 200mg once a day and if i tolerate that then up the dose to twice a day.Do i really need to take this medication now? I really feel fine right now.No pains,no swelling that i had 4 weeks ago.I dont feel sick right now.I'm just so confused right now and really dont know what i want to do.My urine was negative and that is what she was most concerned about.Though my Sed rate did go up to 60.Is that terribly high??It went from normal 6 weeks ago,then two weeks later it was 30,then two weeks later it went to 60.
My doctor was more concerned with the Blood pressure than the Lupus at this point but i'm more worried about having Lupus and the medication i have to take for it.What have you all experienced from the Plaquluil?? She mentioned that this med can effect the optic nerve? To watch for vision changes and color changes in my vision.Should i seek out another opinion for the medication regiman??