I hope that you can get your insurance situation straightened out. That alone can cause so much stress which would increase your BP.
Have you ever gone to I really like that web site a lot. Anyhow Dr. Weil has some suggestions for natural diuretics but he doesn't mention if this is okay if you're pregnant. I'm pasting what he said on his web site:
Beverages containing caffeine and alcohol have a diuretic effect, and several other foods including celery, onion, eggplant, asparagus and watermelon are said to have a diuretic effect. In addition, the herbs hawthorn, corn silk, and parsley are used as diuretics in natural medicine. Of these, hawthorn, (crataegus oxycanthus) is the most powerful. If you have a medical condition for which diuretics are prescribed, you would be much better off following your physician's recommendation than trying to treat yourself with alternative remedies.
Andrew Weil, M.D.
When you go to your dr's visit next week make sure you take your BP machine with you. After the nurse has taken your BP with their machine, have her take your BP with your machine. Hopefully the numbers will be close. This way you will know how accurate your machine is to your doctor's BP machine. Make sure every time you go to the dr and your BP is still an issue you continue to take your BP machine with you.
Watermelon works for me as well as orange juice. Maybe some others can come up with some good ideas. Too bad chocolate isn't a natural directic
When you go for your ultrasound do you have a way of posting the photo for us to see? I just love to look at the ultrasounds (especially when they're the 3D ones).
Make sure you take care of YOU ... the housework, the cooking, the laundry ... it can all be put off. You and this baby are the most important things right now. Not only do you have lupus to bring you down, you have the other issues. It's too bad we aren't all close to each other so we could all take a time slot and help you out. You're in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs!