My rheumy ran the Anti dsDNA again and it came back pretty much the same (over 2,200). So far he hasn't made any changes in my treatment but I'll know for sure on Monday when I have my appointment to see him.
I started taking the Plaquenil again yesterday. I had two allergic reactions a few weeks ago and with the first reaction I thought I was having it from the Plaquenil but when later in the week I had another one and wasn't taking the Plaquenil I thought maybe it was from the NSAID I was taking. Rheumy thinks that I just had a lupus rash. Took my Plaquenil yesterday and again today and no itching so I guess that it wasn't the Plaquenil. That is a good thing! Now I guess I'll have to try taking the NSAID again in a few weeks after I'm sure that I'm fine with the Plaquenil.
One thing that I've noticed the past few weeks is that I'm having some discomfort in my right kidney. It doesn't feel like a kidney stone moving around, it feels more like it's my whole right kidney. That concerns me, I hope that my kidney isn't starting to be effected.