Ok, I had a bit of trouble with work recently. I had to go to the hospital because I had some weird blackout. Thankfully I did not have a stroke or anything major,but I have had some of these happen after the event and I am scared how to deal with this. Does anyone have black outs? I mean like they just are gone for a couple hours and nothing will budge you? No memories, sometimes I seem conscious but I don't remember anything about
the time and I am totally not there. Just really strange. They did a CAT scan and blood work and I am fine there. Any way I missed work cause of this black out spell and they wrote me up cause of not being able to call. No call/No show. I actually talked to my boss in person before I went to the hospital, but he still wrote me up. I definatley have seen some real problems but it is hard to explain all this to people. Any advice. I really have no ideahow deal with this. Or if this is has anything to do with lupus...Sorry if I am off topic.