Hi All,
I had an allergic reaction(Angioedema) a little over two weeks ago and at first the MD's at the ER thought it was the Plaquinil because it was a new med for me and i was taking it only 5 days.I spoke with my Rhuemy and she said she was 90% certain the reaction i had was from the Benicar.My primary MD and Allergist also agreed it was the Benicar.
The Allergist suggested to not take any new meds for at least two weeks while my body settles out the the allergic raection to the Benicar.It has been over two weeks and i took my first dose of Plaquinil last night.So how long does this drug take to work? When will i feel some of the benifits of it?? Lately,i have been having days of feeling more crappy than good and i'm hoping that the Plaquinil helps me soon....