My first symptom was a swollen knee. I had been at the gym A LOT and doing some fast running. The knee that swelled up was broken in a car accident 16 years prior. I am 32. My doc first idea was to test for Lyme. I thought she was crazy. about a week later I started having skin tingling... my neck hurt and I had some mild headaches. I was diagnosed about 10 days after my swollen knee. Crazy. I never saw a tick bite. I was diagnosed late July of this year. On Father's Day we bought new bikes and a trailer for our girls. We went out riding at least 5x a week. My helmet has open slats in the top and the trail we rode on was heavily wooded and grown over. I live in MD and there are lots of ticks. I assume I could have been bitten while biking. I never had ANY weird symptoms prior to my swollen knee. I would remember... I am crazy about my health. I went on doxy 100mg 2x a day for 28 days and felt better. A few weeks after, I found a tick on me! I went to the doc and she gave me 1 dose of doxy 200mg. about 5 days later symptoms returned. I had an electric feeling, anxiety, VERY tired and was just not myself. It was terrible. I have been on Doxy since. 200mg 2x a day. Since the 2nd time I started Doxy I stopped going to the gym but continued taking my girls on a walk every night. I just started really working out last week. I am not giving up this time. I am going to get in at least 4-5 days a week.
I go see my Lyme Doc tomorrow. I am not sure I want to continue on ABX. I would like to try a more natural approach. I am scared though, I want this gone so I am not sure what to do. I have some mild skin crawling usually after exercising but I am not sure if I am just out of shape. I lifted a lot of weights today and did Tae-Bo. I read a lot on these boards and the side effects of a lot of these drugs scare me. I have two small daughters. They are 2 & 5. I am here alone most of the time and running around to drop off and pick up from school. I can't afford to be spacey or out of it. My husband works a lot. There is no way he could change his schedule. His work is insane right now.
I just read a post that I will not get rid of this unless I take cyst buster ABX... Anything natural for this?? I am scared of the c. diff bacteria too... I know it can happen to anyone and that really scares me about taking ABX...
I just feel great, almost back to normal... all this reading and research is making me anxious.