Hello all.
I´m new to this forum so I shall introduce myself.
I´m writing this from a town near Hanover Germany and beceuse my wife's English isn't that good (who has Lymes,)I have been persuaded to log on to this site.
My wife was diagnosed with Lymes disease about one and a half years ago after being bitten by a tick while walking our dog.
She had all the usual symptoms such as ear infections, pain in legs, hot flushes etc. But what bothers her mostly, and what the Doctors cannot understand is the fact that everything she Tastes and smells, tastes and smells of metal.
My wife has had massive doses of penicillin, and all sorts of drugs, even to the extent that, She has been accused by her ear,nose, throat Doctor of faking it, This is the worse part of everything
Doctors shrugging their shoulders.
I thank you in advance.