No I stopped my Vitamin C about
8 monthes ago.
My huge problem that Im concerned about is the retest for the Lymes.
I tested POSOTIVE for Babesia. Then seen a commy doctor and he demanded a restest, I have had MS many years so this is huge for me! I was on 68th day of 100 mg a day of dixicicolin when he retested me and HIS test came back Negative.
I wrote to the lab that tested me Posotive and they are helping me retest. My HUGE question is....I will be 42 days Antibiotic free this sunday. Is there a time limit when you retest? To make sure the antibiotics are out of your body?
I wasnt on the Antibiotics for Babesia....I was on them for Hair loss and rash from my dermo. I didnt know I was posotive for Babsia at the time. I tested Posotive and was not using any antibiotics. I just dont want to mess this test up! I have no Infectoise diease doctor and from the looks of it I will have to travel to see one. So No help.
So any rules on the test to make sure you get the best accurate result???
Hope everyone is doing well
Thanks Kimmie