KeepHope said...
hello.. thank you for sharing that with me..
And hmm wow that is great that you have periods of "symptomless life" My goodness. I will be hoping for that for myself.
If in the past I have had HORRIBLE herx reactions to abx in general... . i was thinking I should just expect more of the same.. Hearing some of these stories gives me hope and the more I read the more I hear about this combo working for quite a large group.
Thanks for the advice on the empty stomach.. That is an issue as I am not hungry at all in the am
and I have a tough time even at lunch.. I snack most of the time and have maybe ONE meal a day.
I also have a very senstive stomach.. And that warning was well taken. I had an eye exam back in October so we are counting that as number one but I am going to have to schedule another anyway as I want to get some glasses... and the last place really messed them up..
I already have vision issue from abx therapy but no damage and I have heard this med can cause it but never read of a single case.
How long have you been on it? You did not mention this? How long did it take to work?
Well if you do have time to or see me asking. that would help too.
I have been on it for over 3 months...or is it 4? I have been treated by an LLMD for almost a year now. Over this year I have gone from rock bottom, to OK, to rock bottom, to OK etc. It was not until the biaxin/plaq combo that I experienced longer stretches of normalcy. The only thing I can say is that, at this moment, I honestly cannot pinpoint any symptoms. I feel perfectly fine.
However....I am not better. My immune complexes are still through the roof, some so high that they're above maximum, and my left pupil is still totally dilated. A little background, my Lyme has been mostly neurological. Go down the list and I have had that symptom (several times), from lesions on MRIs to total Bell's paulsey to loss of vision. Those have cleared, most notably my vision and my mind. They're both clear. It's our hope that those immune levels will eventually lower to a point that my immune system can keep the Lyme under control, or kill it completely. MOst importantly though, my qual;ity of life has improved vastly.
And like I said, be very careful with these drugs and your stomach. You do not want to be stuck in traffic, at work, or in class...whatever until you get used to them. Make sure you gorge at breakfast and take them with plenty of water. Chow some acidophilus (I take them by the handful) throughout the day.
And ohh yeah, go to CostCo pharmacy, even if you're not a member. I forget which of these two drugs is super expensive, but you'll save about 2/3 there as opposed to CVS.