Date Diagnosed: Oct 2006
How long had you had Lyme: possibly congenatially from birth (18 years), have been bitten twice, so could have had it 11 years or 5 years.
Treatment protocol to date:
Oct '06 to Jan '07---Doxy & Diflucan
Feb '07 to April '07---Doxy & Rifampin
May '07 to July '07---Doxy & Rifampin & Bicillin IM injections. Injections got rid of most of my joint pain.
Aug '07---Never had a bad herx while taking antibiotics. Stopped antibiotics. Felt better off them. But still had bad muscle pain and neuro symptoms.
Sept '07 to Sept '08---ALL natural treatment. Various natural supplements/herbs. Probiotics are a must (even off antibiotics). Detox foot baths.
Oct '08 til current day---ALL natural treatment. Various natural supplements/herbs. Probiotics are a must (even off antibiotics). Natural tinctures for immune support and neurological support.Detox foot baths. Daily use of a "Netty Pot" to clear out sinuses. Chiro adjustments once every week.
Percent better: 50%
Had food allergy/sensitivity blood test. I went on a very restrictive diet. Eat mostly organic food. My current diet: no dairy, no eggs, no soy, no wheat, no oats (often contaminated w/wheat), no gluten, no refined sugar, very little corn.
Reduce sensory input/stimulus during specifc activities so my brain is not overloaded and avoid "blowing out" my brain curcuits. Do this by wearing special colored blue "sunglasses" (diff. colors depending on individual's needs) while watching TV, using computer, reading. Sometimes wear cotton ball in "weak" ear to reduce auditory input.
Current worst symptoms are chronic horrible insomnia, fatigue, lower back pain, neck and shoulder pain. My brain fog is verrrrry slowly getting better.
Biggest thing is trying to keep a positive attitude and stay hopeful that life will get better. My body will heal, eventually. I will conquer this disease.