Hi Bea again,
I have no idea what kind of energy medicine you are talking about and I am familiar with most of Dr. J's botanicals and treatment plans.
Seibertneurolyme said...
When hubby was admitted to the psych ward Dr J suggested I consult the Scientologists -- he said they might be able to help get him discharged quicker as there was nothing he could do to help with that. Supposedly a prior patient had had success with this I think.
Any of the other details I posted can be verified by prior posts on LymeNet. I posted a very long summary of hubby's illness when I joined LymeNet. Will post that link when I find it.
Was trying to remember what I left out of the post here when my first post didn't go through. This is actually what I felt was one of the most worrisome things that happened with Dr J. He used his form of energy medicine -- forget what he called his gadget-- and decided hubby should take 11 Wobenzyme 3 times per day. Hubby had never taken this supplement and had had no testing for hypercoagulation at that point.
After the first day he ended up in the hospital with encephalopathy and was unconscious for 15 hours one day. I have since learned to never ever start a supplement or med for hubby at suggested or therapeutic dose whether or not a doc suggests it or not.
If I need nutritional advice then I would most likely go to a chiropractor rather than an M.D. I don't really have a bias against chiropractors. With any doc it is a matter of training and experience. In my opinion Dr J doesn't have nearly as much experience dealing with Lyme patients as LLMD's who see those patients exclusively.
Hubby currently sees an herbalist who helps with tickborne treatment and also detox, so we don't exclusively see M.D.'s.
Bea Seibert
You mentioned that with any doctor it's a matter of training and experience. Do you know what Dr. J's training has been? If not, for new people here it is (so newbies have an idea):
"Dr. J. is a published author and is nationally recognized as a leader in Biological Medicine and the treatment of chronic illness.
Graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Nutrition with honors, he received his doctorate at Cleveland Chiropractic College-KC. Post Graduate studies have taken him far and wide, studying natural and anthroposophical medicine in Germany and Biological Medicine with the world-renowned Paracelsus Klinic of Switzerland, with later studies providing certification in Botanical Medicine through the University of Colorado, School of Pharmacy. Dr. Jernigan is also the developer of the diagnostic and treatment technique Bio-Resonance Scanning™ and a whole new concept in medicine called Circuit Healing™."
Dr. Jernigan has personally developed over 30 novel natural medicines to date. As past president of the American Medical Academy of Thermodiagnostics, he is one of the most experienced doctors in the U.S.A. in one of the latest FDA approved adjunctive diagnostic tests, Computerized Regulation Thermodiagnostics.
Dr. Jernigan is presently writing more books and developing a Bio-Resonance Scanning™ training program for doctors."
Lastly, what is the true meaning of a LLMD anyway? Did that doctor have lyme? Or does that doctor give "cookie cutter" treatments to all his/her patients like many I know do and still continue to do? Was that doctor at death's door like Dr. J. was? To live it as Dr. J. lived it in my humble opinion is the best training of all..