I've written quite a few times in the past regarding a cat bite issue and use of Doxy long term...I have been on antibiotics for 6 months and last week went off per my doctor's request. We would wait and see what happened.....well,over the weekend I began having the fuzzy head again, tingling in my face and head, vomiting and extreme fatigue. I lost another couple days of work, and of course, the disappointment that this nasty thing still hasn't completely gone away. The doc gave another Rx for 6 months and we will see what happens again at that point. I am frankly rather scared of ever going off the meds again. I DO NOT want to experience the seizure activity and terrible brain fog that kept me from working so frequently over the past 1 /2 years....anyone else have these problems? I know the Bartonella had gotten into my brain tissue which caused the seizure activity, and ridding it from the tissues is the hardest part of eliminating this bug......it's just getting really old dealing with all of this....thanks for any input...