My daughter graduated from HS
we are giving her money and she understands
but my mom who is 78 insisting on a party
I am sooooo stressed out
I am exhausted
I got through pretty much all of the other stuff graduation prom financial aid form picking out looking for college I am so done in i tried telling her she says u do not have to come if u are sick or do not need to stay long or it isn't a lot of work for m,e (I don't want her doing so much makes me feel awful she gets too tired herself__
what should I what can i do" party is monday then i may be ok u all know how this thing works but i mite not i think since its family we can still get ou tof it she kust asked people today and yesterday. is there any lyme person who mite like to be email or facebook friends. I would love support. i am 48 love animals. love God boy a jr in college daughter ;eaving fpr cp;ege this fall i sometimes have a good day but it see,s like of i do anything lthen the next day i am back in this chair. ,y wmAIL IS ROSESINJANUARAT HOTMAIL.COM