My daughter was diagnosed with OCD when she was 4 years old. I realize now that it was probably Lyme that caused it. It took a lot of talking about
how things would go in regard to whatever it was that she was obsessing on. Since she started her Lyme treatment about
2 1/2 weeks ago it has gotten worse. She has a number of tics and repetitive things that she has to do or she gets freaked out. Germs are particularly hard for her, and yesterday her stepsister (who lives with us) was diagnosed with a staph infection on her leg. That has made for some stressful moments, we are trying to keep them as apart as possible. So far, no major meltodwns. We try hard as a family not to make too big of a deal out of it, it seems to get worse when her stress level is up or she gets very emotional - PMS week is particularly hard, too. She can't help it, though, it's not like she wants to feel this way. I am hoping that after she gets through this bout of herxing that she will get back to a more normal state.
My son, also Lyme positive, was a severe cutter for a few years. (He has managed to stop in the last year). It is terrifying, the first time I saw him cut I nearly passed out. He cut arms, legs, stomach, back. He cut lines, pictures, words, you name it. There are studies that show that when they cut themselves the serotonin in their brains increases by up to 600%. One of the diagnostic tests we had done on my son about a year ago was a seronin level test and his was 40ng/ml. Normal range is 101-283. No wonder he was cutting, he could have taken SSRI's until the cows came home but it wouldn't have helped since he wasn't manufacturing enough of it. It also explains why they feel better or more normal afterwards. Cutting is a coping mechanism that they learned to deal with they way they feel. If you can remember that, it might help you stay calm about it. Maybe you guys can brainstorm some other coping mechanisms together. Supposedly holding an ice cube until it hurts can do the same thing as far as brain chemicals go, snapping a rubberband on your wrist can, too. Sometimes they can't think of anything else to do and they just do what they have learned works.
Good luck, I hope you guys can find some peace.