Hi All,
I'm starting to panic now. My numbness has been on my left side for weeks and last night, my right-hand fingertips were tingly and now my hand feels tingly. I don't know how long I have had Lyme, as I have not been diagnosed with it. I was positive for IgG P41 and IgM P23 on the WB test, so Negative for Lyme. However, I have a lot of the Lyme symptoms, being EXTREMELY sensative to sunlight since April 2009- 5 minutes and I'm red and welted. I started the doxycycline at 7pm on August 18, one dose 100mg. I have taken it twice per day since then. My neck stiffness is gone, but now I have this numbness.
Thanks for your help. I REALLY appreciate the responses because there doesn't seem to be anyone that understands, but you all on this board, do!