After doing better on bactrim for 2 months, ive relapsed and my llmd switched me to flagyl. ive gone down hill on the flagyl and now i have high anxiety and panic, depression, facial tingling in the afternoon, afternoon 100 degree fevers, joint pain, flu feeling, burning, extreme fatigue. i need this gone! ive had lyme since june 08 when i started with the worst panic you could imagine. i also have ulercative colitis/chrons which flared and i was on 7 months of prednisone and immunosuppresants and must have made me much worse.
my llmd has tried me on orals and i feel now back at square one, i asked 2 months back for IV and he said my insurance will only cover 28 days. however generic ceftaxonine is only $10.99 per 1gm vial and i can afford that fairly easily out of pocket.
whats everyones experience with IV? please give me details, pitfalls, as much as you can so i can have as much knowledge as possible.
for anyone who went out of pocket, am i underestimating costs? i knw i need saline, and probably other things too.
any info duly appreciated :)