i haven posted much lately do to my frustrations with Drs or lack thereof. and knowing this can kill if not treated. and right now i have no med coverage at all :(
i have now even stopped all my meds at this point. and yes the pain is way up, and migraines are back.
and i have so much lower back pain i can hardly sit in a chair for any length of time.
i have been so depressed, sick of being sick and life goes on BS.
No my life have come to a stalemate in so many ways. its not a life when you cant do anything. its like i'm a bump on the couch or bed. this is not living to me.
i get so pissed about the lack of Drs who know or even care about LD.
its like when AIDS started out, it took Drs many yrs to learn about it and how to go about treatment for it. but they didnt just wright them off. and i feel that we are not giving the same thoughts with LD.
yet it has been in so many folks life for upwards of 20 yrs. yet Drs are no closer to learning a thing about it.
on the contrary they are scared to Dx and treat for it. it just blows my mind so many Drs can think so little of our life. JMHO
sorry for the vent here, as i know i am not alone in this. and it affects so many others, who are going thru some of the same things.
it just really tees me off to know that if your lucky enough to find a DR they wont take ins, and when we are so sick most cant work. so its like a lose lose to us.
there are a few Drs i have found, but all are over 600 miles away. and so far not 1 will take ins, and even if they did. i couldnt afford to get to them :((
so i guess my point is i have to pray my body can hold this disease at bay long enough for the flipping Drs to wake up and start to learn again what being a Dr is all about.
could it possible be to help folks? maybe even cure or treat them? hmmm so far i see them only looking at dollar signs.
i think compassion needs to come back into the mix. and bedside manners too.
once again sorry for the vent and long post.
praying for all daily :)