I have tried three different types of artimisin, They were each recommended by a health care practitioner and I think they are each high quality. you can buy each on line. They are not to be used together as they are all the same basic ingredient. Pick one or rotate them like I do as I develop sensitivity (yes leaking gut).
Dr. Zhang - Artemisiae is 400 mg (one tablet) three times per day (this is good quality but the two other ingredients he adds to the capsule upset my stomach). this is considered by many as the best capsule for treatment.
Artecin by Thorne - 500 mg (one tablet) three times per day (also good quality but with no other herbs just artimisin but after a while (2 months) it upset my stomach as well so I switched to the third one and then rotate back again)
Artemisinin by ArteMin 100 - the capsules are 100 mg each, you can do as little as 2 three times a day or as much as 4 three times per day (from what I read, I don't feel sure of the dosage for this one, I have heard different levels)
FYI Artemisinin (again from what I read) does not last in your bloodstream more than an hour. We metabolize it quickly. Therefore, the idea is to take three doses a day at effective levels. If you were to take 100 mg tables each hour you would be wasting your time as it will never get at a theraputic level in your blood. Of course if you need to start out slow to find your threshold, which I always do, you can start as 100 mg, but the idea is take it three times a day. there is no build up in your blood, it is in and out of your body in an hour. Don't be suprised by a bad taste for that hour in your mouth, nothing horrible.
To be effective some practicioners recommend you take vitamin A and iron with artemisinin to help it work, artimisinin uses our blood iron as part of its attack on the babesia. Also, artemisinin produces free radicals, therefore it is strongly recommended that you take some form of antioxidants to protect your cells when taking artemisinin. some good antioxidants are vitamin A, C or E (there are basically tons of antinoxidants to chose from if you do a bit of research, but ACE are the most often referenced). If you find you are experiencing a new type of ear pain (this is rare) stop the artimisinin and take antioxidants. There should be no ear pain if you are taking the right levels of antioxidants.
Again this is all stuff I have read over the years. I am not a Dr.