First of all MERRY CHRISTMAS- i came back in here to edit this b/c thank God i'm not too far gone with fear that i've forgotten what time of year it is!
Well yesterday i was doing okay- today i'm a little keyed up- my little twitching in my fingers and arms that has been going on since i started humaworm is still going and my hands hurt. my doc is rechecking the urine specimen- doesn't seem real worried about it especially since it was my time of the month when i took the sample (very silly of me) lol anyway, i'm trying not to worry about things like ALS. I had been doing good- put it out of my mind but the "tendon reflexes" i think i'm getting are listed as a symptom and it's a bit discouraging as i've had these for a little while- i really can't tell if its my tendons or what but my hands are a bit sore today. Thank you so much Denise and Willowrose for caring
I want to be tested through a specialty lab for parasites so i'll know specifically what i'm dealing with but my husband is giving me a hard time- i mentioned to him how much that lab metametrix costs for testing and he says i'm not thinking straight by wanting testing through them- since we are so low income right now. I have an appt w/a natural doctor on the 13th and thankfully she's agreed to split up the cost of the initial consult but it will still be a lot for us. I feel like i have a lot working against me.
no one i know has been able to describe the tendon reflexes i get- at least the way i feel this little twitching in my arms and hands- actually willowrose i think you had mentioned something like it but i can't remember. i would just like to know what it means. I read somewhere ALS people lose function of their arms first sometimes and get hyperactive or deep tendon reflexes. i don't notice any real loss of muscle tone except in my hip/buttock area. Maybe i'm being very irrational about this; i hope i am, but fear is so real. You can fight it but when you are in the middle of it- it's terrible. My morning yesterday had started out thinking i might die- i felt so dizzy from my blood pressure being low but thankfully it raised during the day as i drank more fluids and ate- i was getting dehydrated according to one of my tests- and i was barely eating (which has furthered my weight loss- it used to be that i would eat only salad and not lose a pound! now with lyme it's just falling off) - yesterday though i ate 3 meals which was a big accomplishment for me. I did have a lot of twitching yesterday though- i'm hoping this will improve. Only thing that helps a little is the magnesium.
So i was on the phone today to order the cowden stuff w/nutramedix but was discouraged b/c when i asked about any products they have for parasite cleansing- she said she couldn't not tell me b/c they are restricted by the FDA about making any medical claims. at least she was honest- but it does leave me feeling very much like a guinie pig if i try anything on my own besides abx. i had felt relief yesterday about finally deciding what to try and now today i'm confused again. My counselor has lyme- or "had" it and she used samento in conjuction w/ abx but she suggested i get on some higher doses of vit C. i had only been taking about 500 mg. Her treatment involved intravenious vit C. Anyway, i feel very confused at the moment- regular stool testing sucks and going through a regular doctor for that would be almost pointless (something i tried to explain to my husband) I don't mind doing perscriptions for whatever i'm dealing with but i have to know what i'm dealing with first. and as bucci said- it's 395 with that specialty lab. Sorry this post is sooo long!