I just wanted you to know that you are not alone.
I was dx with lyme in the summer of '08. Never had a tick bite or rash. I had a very high fever, headache, and stiff neck...I was so sick I thought I had meningitis. I was put on 10 days of amox and my lyme was neg. Less than a week later I developed bells palsy. I finished my 10 days of abx, went to the NP and she retested my lyme because my bells palsy wasn't any better. That test was positive...another 11 days amox. The bells palsy went away.
Fast forward to Sept '09. I have a numbness/tingling in my leg, then my arm, then my other arm, and then my other leg, lessening in intensity as it progressed from one extremity to the next. It lasted a week, returned in Oct, and then a few wks ago. I was convinced it was MS and I even have an MRI of my brain and spine tomorrow and an appt with a neurologist next week. I did a little research and realized that it could be lyme. I feel I wasn't treated appropriately for the lyme and I am worried of being misdiagnosed with MS.
My brain is in a fog and reading about MS and lyme doesn't make it any easier.
Luckily I live in the Boston, MA area and if it's MS I have one of the best centers for MS nearby...if it's MS
I hope you get diagnosed so you can start treatment and get feeling better asap.