I recovered from Central Nervous System Lyme ( CNS) Lyme in 2007 but still experience the symptoms any time my immune system is compromised or I'm coming down with a cold. Recently, I got the flu shot and a few days afterwards I started to feel "lymey" as we call it- foggy, anxious, nauseous, sensitive to light and movement. Humidity also triggers these symptoms.
So, I decided that I wanted to try Botox. I'm 35 and well, the lines are starting to set in. I have read numerous things on the internet about Lyme conflicting/not conflicting with Botox injections. Honestly, I feel that everyone probably reacts differently since Lyme isn't a cookie-cutter disease. I had the injections in my forehead a few days ago and haven't felt great and I believe that it has aggravated my lyme symptoms. I'm a little nervous about it and I hope that they subside in the next few days. Has anyone else reported this? I love how the Botox looks but it is not worth it to me if I am going to have to deal with these symptoms of anxiety, fogginess, nausea, eye pain, heaviness behind my eyes, etc.
Would love any feedback!