It's sobering to consider the possibilities if infection can be transmitted from human to human via saliva, blood, and/or intimate contact. I have been grateful that I never relented when the Red Cross was badgering me to donate blood (while I was being treated for anemia, of all things). I do not want to have that on my conscience, however inadvertant it would have been. I think about
my late husband; I've become convinced he had Lyme. Until recently I never took the thought further, but now wonder, considering that he was living on blood transfusions. if that is how he got it. I've wondered how I got Lyme and these coinfections. Maybe they were in me, dormant, from childhood when I lived in Maryland. But I've only been sick since meeting my late husband, and have lately begun to wonder if that is how I became infected. I am dismayed when I read reports about
how important it is to be treated immediately after a tick bite because I suspect, for many of us, a tick bite was never detected, and maybe never even happened. Lyme and coinfections will not always be enshrouded in controveresy. A day will come when the evidence will point unarguably one way or another. I just hope that happens before a lot more of us become sick and, perish the thought, perhaps infect others.