I was originally DX with Oesto and Fibro for many years. I never got better only worse. So the day came when I took a stand and said I was going to find out what really was wrong. I researched on here how important finding a LLMD is if you have most of the symtoms and for the LLMD to test. Well, I found that doc, the problem is all the years of not being treated correctly my body/immune has suffered. I had 22 blood tests and they found major problems on several. They are even doing therapeutic phlebotomies.
According to my LLMD my immune is so poor all the Igenex indetermined bands would be positive if they could get good readings from my blood. Did you ever hear of this? My CD57 was 75. and Igenex was negative negative with 4 double stared Indetermined bands. I was offered a very low dose of Doxy because he said my system wouldn't handle anything more.
What do you guys think? Is it possible?
I would just try the doxy and see if it helps but I currently take steriod for my sciatic nerve. My S1 nerve was damaged after 2 sugeries and the steriod provides relief to my leg. But LLMD doc said works as a opposite of what he is trying to accompish.
So what do I do?
Any thoughts?