I started treatment on 12/08/09 so I'm only a little over two months into abx treatments (antibiotics) having to take a least a week off twice to let me gut settle down from the oral antibiotics which tore me up (Doxy and Cednifer). Now I'm on a weekly shot of Bicillin, had my 5th one today. My energy is better, but no improvement in my GI problems. I was dx with ulcertive colitis 5 years ago, but it must of been the Lyme's then as it is now. INFLAMMATION IN THE COLON it makes me bleed and have lose, long pencil thin, mushy stool
My doctor said it will take lots of time and gradually I will feel better. I'm trying to stay hopeful, but 5 weeks of shots you would think I would notice a improvement in my stool, gut and inflammation in my colon, but I'm not.
Does anyone have GI issues like ulcertive colitis and are feeling better with their treatment?
I read the CAP protocol for Chylamdia Phenomia, has anyone followed this protocol before?
Thanks for listening.