Hello! Thanks for responding... Here were my symptoms before i knew I had it:
Headaches, burning int the front of my throat and burning and tingling in my lower back. Slowly the back pain creeped up to my mid back, then my hands started to hurt really bad, that crept up to my forearms. My elbows and kness hurt really bad but it seemed like it moved from one place to another, but stayed mostly in my hands. My theory is that the bump that had red all over it (i was told it was a boyle and put on bactrum in case of mrsa) Never popped and went away on its own after about three weeks was the tick bite.. That was the first place i had severe muscle pain. My dr tested for everything, lupus, RA, MS, Vitamin Def, Glucose, Hepatitis, etc. I also saw a neurolgist, and had many MRI's of the brain, neck, and lower back. Also they checked for carpel tunnel by doing an xray on my hands. Then I saw the rheumatolgist a week ago, and she ran all those tests and more (lymes finally) All was neg except for Lymes, that came back positive. SO I am thinking that bump was the tick, you see we just went camping at the end of august. and that bump popped up during vacation.
What were your symptoms?