Has anyone had a Lumbar Puncture and got a positive Lyme diagnosis?
Also, has anyone tested for Lyme more than once, if so, did you get positive results on both the IgG and IgM?
Does anyone know what it means to test only positive for the IgM? I tested positive a year apart, only on the IgM (band 41 and band 39) I have never showed any positive bands on the IgG...Now I'm questioning if I really do have Lyme, especially, after being treated with doxcy 100 mg on and off for a year I still have symtpoms.
From reading I gathered a positive IgM is a new infection and a positive IgG shows you have been exposed. It is my understanding that I should begin to get positive IgG bands if I have Lyme? I guess I'm not understanding why I continue to only test IgM positive after a year. I feel worried that something is terrible wrong with me.
Should I get any other tests done that could possibly cause a positive IgM? I'm so confused.