Hi, my name is marlene I live in ny, I have had lyme for 14 + years. I also have Bart,cardiomyopathy from lyme encphylitsis do to lyme,babesiosis, mycoplasma, Q fever, thyroid from lyme , last yr devoleped extreme low blood pressure, a mini stroke easter weekend this past yr.
I have lyme in my spinal fluid,erlichosis, and other things just can't remember right now. I have been bedridden most of the yrs. I saw my 40's go by now I'm seeing my 50's go by. I have extreme fatigue it has always been my worst symptom. oh also kidney problems and have had uveitsis.
have other things just cant keep them all in my head.
I have heart palpatations , night sweats and day sweats, extreme joint pain and in the last couple months joint swelling, air hunger, can't swallow sometimes found out I have a hiatal hernia, tremors, can't sleep, migrating pains, trouble walking,, and no desire to do anything not that I could. or friends anymore,
People sometimes ask arn't you better yet? I don't know why but that always makes me mad.
or how about
just go for a walk. Or wow you look better when you feel like dying.
I have had I thought 9-10 IV lines but my husband corrected me and said it was 12 and 1 port.
I just had a IV line pulled a couple weeks ago cause of infection. but out of 12 lines thats pretty good.
I'm getting to the point where I can't take anymore pills my stomache kills me. what am I gonna do I have a very supportive family and husband thank_GOD. but I am so tired, I want people that undestand what I'm going through know one understands unless they have it. I was reading a post on here about
someone going to the hansa clinic. What is that.
oh also Has anyone else gone through there 401k and had to dip into life insurance policies. we have to pay out of pocket now for IV drugs. what on earth are insurance companies thinking? There is such a thing as late stage lyme...
please give me some advice and be my friend. Thank-You God Bless you all. And prayers for you all.