Hi Maxi:
I'm taking that supplements its a wonder I don't rattle.
I was taking sleeping pills and Xanax to help me sleep but my insomnia was getting worse. I decided to wean myself off the mind altering drugs due to all my CNS problems. I have been much better in the sleep dept since like 5-6 hours.
I find Valerian root relaxes my racing mind so much, I take 4 capsules at night and now I go to bed not worrying about sleep. Any sleep I get is better than the drug induced kind I was getting.
3 months ago I bought the book from fatigue to fantastic and I follow Drs T's protocol and I use his recommended supplements and NT factor (I use his suggestions for my fatigue not the Lyme). I just bought his sleep formula (which has Valerian in it), will let you know if it works for me. Plus I have been on antibiotics now for a month (took 4 years to get the correct diagnosis, don't want to go there)
I do not feel anything benefits from all this as yet but would hate to think what I would be like without them.
My immune system is shot and I have 4 co-infections going on which they are in the throws of treating, so I am keeping my fingers crossed.
Try the Valerian and read the book, it might help you.