Hello Everyone:
I have just been recently diagnosed with Lyme disease. To give you an idea I have spent the last 17 months SUFFERING like crazy. I am 30 years old and sometimes I feel like I am in the body of an 85 yr old. It all started in the fall of 2008 I have extreme shooting pain in my right leg so bad I would wake up yelling in my sleep....the caviat of this is that when this started I was 3 weeks pregnant...so everything that happened with me they said "because your pregnant, because your body is changing..blah blah...
I ended up delivering my daughter by c-section after 30 hours of labor because the back pain was so severe...again from the baby(so they said). Finally I was able to focus on me....here is what happened since I had my daughter,
July 2009- MRI on lumbar(showed facet disease) EXTREME Pain also in my synovial joint...
continued to have HORRIBLE back pain...
Nov 2009- shopping with my daughter could barely walk OUT OF NOWHERE...thought my knee was going to explode....could not kneel on it NOTHING....sent for an X ray....of "you just have bursitis" Had some blood work done ANA, Thyroid, Sed rate etc....told my thyroide was hypo...ok.....
Through Dec 09, Jan 10, Feb10, March 10, April 10 horrible fatigue...where I would wake up and could not wait for the day o end to go to bed...double ear infections, various colds...urinary urgency....BODY PAIN all over...knees, shoulders...Migraines had returned...joy.
May 2010- Sick again, swollen glands, horrific sore throat....cough....saw endocrinologist and Nuerologiust that month...neuro waste of time...sent for Bone Scan and another MRI, also had flu like illness this month too. Endocrinoilogist diagnosed my with Hashimotos Disease...still suffering...mind you Sed rate has now been elevated since NOV, and is STILL elevated now at 73. Never ending SAGA....had ultrasound thyroid....Western Blot run negative
Summer, extremely stressful...exausted...hurting...moody as hell(husband often tells me I need an atitude adjustment) Just felt horrible
October, extreme nausea, stomach pain...sick again with cough go the dr....she says she thinks it is Lyme...sends me for another blood test for ANA, Lupus Panel, Sed Rate, and western blot..negative across the board exceot Sed Rate still high...(WHY IS IT HIGH was the question) at that point my NP told me to see a gastro and rhema....
Nove 2010 see gastro.....haida scan, and endoscopy...BOTH FINE....ok....come back in a few weeks take some meds...blah bla....3 yeast infections is 6 weeks
Dec. 2010 speak to a colleague with chronic Lyme, told her what I was going through and how horrible I feel
and how I am so exausted I jusyt break down and cry and I AM NOT A CRIER because I cannot take the way I feel....tells me to see her doc...I transfer there 40 minutes away....what the hell do I have to lose...
Dec. 15 Ingenx test run and paid for....results yesterday
Positive IGM bands 18, 31, and 41... CD57 88 FINALLY i was happy and very sad at the same time...now the haul of getting better...I would like to have another baby someday a million things are running through my mind....can some of you shed some lite on treatment for me.
Thanks Alot!