Hi mentalcompass
I certainly understand your situation too! And welcome to this wondeful board.
Your symptoms that coincided with my own-- which also seemed to be disconnected to one another (until I realized it could ALL be Lyme related) are:
upper respiratory and sinus infection.... weird feeling in my head like I was going crazy, depression, general ill feeling.
Tingling in my left arm, numbness, dry eyes, hypersensitive skin.
Odd pressure changes in my sinus cavity-- feeling like I was on the verge of being sick but never did.
Headaches-- but not migraine-- wicked back cramps over the right shoulder, big knots !!! formed around the shoulder blade.
Tingling in the area around the shoulder blade, pins and needles feelings. Massage therapy didn't work long term.
Severe tennis elbow too.
My neck felt so stiff and weak I couldn't hold my head up. My own cervical MRI showed minor bulging, etc. but no doctors could attrribute it to the pain I was having.....
...and there was no weakness in my arms either.
Also.... those rocketing nerve impulses running through my body, like my nervous system signals were stuck in some roundabout with no end, I was skaking all over and developed muscle spasms and fasculations all over.
Also had pin prick sensations everywhere.
What worked for me, at least to lessen nerve pain, was Ativan. Don't know why. Just took it at night so I could sleep.
You mentioned that: all my pain just stopped, all the nerve pain was gone and my muscles felt great, my wrist didn't hurt, nothing hurt, I felt normal in my head again, I was me. I wanted to jump for joy but it all came back a few hours later.
This would happen to me too!
My doctor said I had atypical Lyme symptoms and my first blood test came back 'indeterminate'. But did put me on Doxycycline for five weeks. All my weirdo symptoms went away except for the stiff neck and elbow pain.
At that point, another doctor who said my blood test for Lyme had come back negative, suggested I stop taking the Doxy for a week to see how I would feel. He did not believe I had Lyme.
I felt great for about 10 days--- then symptoms slowly creeped back.
But then I had ONE DAY of feeling completely NORMAL! Very bad tease because the next morning I relapsed badly with a lingering migraine headache--- loss of balance (walked into a wall) all my shoulder, neck and arm pain was raging again.
Went to new LLMD who put me on Amoxicillin and all of my symptoms are going away-- except for tennis elbow and some lingering but very sporatic shoulder blade pain.
Still have a dopey feeling in my head-- like the kind you get when you stand up too quickly-- and I have this most of the day. It's getting incrementally better, day by day.
I have to stop typing now--- can't concentrate much this morning.
You have come to the right place for outstanding advice, comfort and compassion!