I have just come across another treatment center in Kansas City, Mo.
Here is a statement from that site about
what they treat:
"The primary treatment focus is Chronic Illness, specializing in inflammatory chronic illness such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFIDS), Fibromyalgia (FMS), Lyme disease and other Autoimmune System disorders."
Here is their treatment stratedgy:
"Major areas of treatment are: traditional medicine, extensive diagnostic evaluations, natural and alternative treatment methods, mental health, and nutritional supplementation. "
Here is a link to the Center:
www.healthcentersofamerica.com/information.cfm?id=72Here's my $.02 on the different forms of treatment, for what it's worth;
It is a good thing to check out other 'forms' of medicine. If what a person is currently doing is not resulting in lasting improvements, it seems a bit odd to continue to do the same things over & over hoping for different results.
With that being said, I'm also a
firm believer that there are times where abx
are called for. I had a full year of treatment with abx before I realized that my body was not going to respond to abx treatment the way I needed it to in order to rid myself of these most horrid, insidious infections. Each one of us must make our own decisions on what to do for our own bodies though.