to this day I will not sit out in my yard.
even tho the influx of ticks have moved on years ago.
I was petrified of my own home, We live in wooded area, pretty well beautiful but 3 years after we bought it we were swamped with ticks, pulled them off kids dogs ourselves every day tick check with tweezers. the fun ones were the ones half dug in, that spurted blood and would only have come out. halfway, this particular kind got my daughter sick. .
they are gone now with the exception of maybe a few in the early spring. I heard they will settle and then move on and they did.
it takes awhile to get over it I will go to my folks and ride and sit by a campfire and they used to have ticks bad too, but like us will probably only wil get a few this spring if its anything like the last few years.
i think I'll go outdoors here now maybe even a bonfire, but will use deet and check, usually one can feel them crawling they love the back of ears, and legs and in the hair.