I work in finance from 10 to 4 daily. I lost my last job due to my cognitive problems and cried for months. Yesterday, I couldn't spell the word "marked" at work.
My Lyme doc is sending me for cognitive training. I hope that helps.
As far as the pain and the lethargy go, I have 10 vicodin I take a mos., but I am too afraid to take it and go to work. I also fear addiction.
I do yoga most days, and changed my diet to mostly organic.
I have decided to try the following: Thistle extract, Cat's Claw, Siberian ginseng, 50 billion Pro biotic, Flax oil, and Omega 3 oil. I am going to attempt Teasel, but I'm too afraid of herxing right now.
If I can get through one year, I'll get on FMLA, and they can't fire me for this. If I do get fired, I'll find a way to make it. It is very hard.
: (