Hi all,
I think when a person is sick they forget who they are and perhaps what they were all about prior to getting sick.
I know I was always stubborn (my family always teased me about that), I was never moody, rarely depressed, and pretty much a loner. I used to be a perfectionist and a workaholic but I learned how to slow down in those areas when I became better.
When I was sick I let myself get depressed, hey, how can a person not? It's a depressing disease as well as frustrating especially when one is looking for answers that work.. I know I was sooooooo frustrated not only with myself but with the many doctors I saw, my family who did not accept lyme, and the list goes on.
So how much is lyme-related? For me the depression/frustration, moodiness, lyme rages, was most definitely lyme related but disappeared when I became better (today I do get moods from menopause yet I know the difference). I still have to remind myself not to be the perfectionist and that I am human..
Socializing for me was VERY difficult when I became better because I was totally alone for so many years except for my very best friends. I was scared, nervous, but I did it anyway, dating, etc. Strange, I was actually scared of getting better if that makes any sense..
What advice do I have? Write down what you were all about before getting sick as well as your favorite hobbies and try to remind yourself who you were and start doing some of those hobbies if you can. Please don't let lyme or any other illness define what you are truly all about..
Hope this helps,